Termékek sesame magok gyár (27)



Sesame seeds are tiny, oil-rich seeds derived from the Sesamum indicum plant. They have been cultivated for thousands of years and are widely used in various cuisines around the world. These seeds are small and flat, with a nutty flavor and a delicate crunch. Sesame seeds come in different colors, including white, black, and brown. They are commonly used as a topping for bread, buns, and bagels, as well as in confectionery items like cookies and cakes. Sesame seeds are also a key ingredient in tahini, a paste used in Middle Eastern cuisine. Apart from their culinary uses, sesame seeds are known for their nutritional value, being rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Koriander Magok

Koriander Magok

Coriander seeds are a globally cherished spice, second only to pepper in terms of usage. These seeds are grown and processed worldwide, with Egypt being a major producer. Coriander seeds offer a warm, husky, and aromatic flavor that is most commonly used in ground form. They are a cornerstone of Indian cuisine, adding a touch of sweetness and spiciness to dishes. In Indonesian cooking, coriander is used in tempeh recipes and bean dishes. The seeds elevate cabbage, corn, chutneys, and relishes, and are also used for vegetable pickling, making them a versatile addition to any kitchen.
Egész kömény HT

Egész kömény HT

Whole cumin seeds with heat treatment, offering characteristic brown grains with good bacteriological criteria, suitable for hot and cold applications.
Hinojo a granel

Hinojo a granel

El hinojo a granel de Lord Spices Group es una hierba aromática y versátil, ideal para añadir un toque de sabor fresco a sus platos. Con una tradición de más de un siglo, somos líderes en la producción y distribución de hinojo al por mayor, ofreciendo un servicio personalizado que se extiende a nivel nacional e internacional. Nuestro hinojo es cuidadosamente seleccionado y empaquetado en diversos formatos, asegurando su frescura y calidad. Libre de OMG, nuestro hinojo es una opción segura y deliciosa para sus creaciones culinarias.


Made with natural ingredients from local suppliers in Greece. - Our bagels have a net weight of 120g. - Mini bagels have a net weight of 60g. All Leo’s bagels are vegan except for 3 flavors: - Cranberry with White Chocolate. - Cheddar Cheese Jalapeño. - Blueberry White Chocolate.


Vente interdite aux mineurs. L’achat de graines est autorisé en tant que souvenir, collection, et préservation de la biodiversité. L’usage domestique, alimentaire ou agricole, ainsi que la germination et la culture sont illégales et passibles de poursuites. Bloom Farm Groupe et les revendeurs ne pourraient être tenus responsables d’une utilisation par des tiers ne respectant pas la législation nationale en vigueur. Caractéristiques produit: (Ice Cream Cak S1 citronelle x Ice Cream Cake Samadhi cut)
Édeskömény mag

Édeskömény mag

Anise seeds - a spice brought to Europe in the early Middle Ages and quickly gained popularity in cooking. Priests and healers of ancient civilizations appreciated the seeds of anise - the healing properties of which were sometimes called miracles. In cooking, all parts of anise are used in all possible forms. Anise seeds are added to marinades to give them a bright flavor. If you mix them with bay leaf and cinnamon, you get an excellent home seasoning for cold meat dishes. Proteins (g / 100g):18,0 Fats (g / 100g):16,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g):35,0 Energy value (kcal / 100g):360,0
Teljes Fehér Szezámmag - PARAGUAY - 25 kg - Bio*

Teljes Fehér Szezámmag - PARAGUAY - 25 kg - Bio*

Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - VIJAYA vous propose une graine de sésame blanc complet, facile à incorporer dans vos préparations salées ou sucrées, pour la fabrication de vos pains spéciaux ou pour les pâtisseries orientales... Reference:16901
Extra szezám

Extra szezám

Le sésame est une plante annuelle de la famille des Pédaliacée, largement cultivée pour ses graines. Ses vertues reconnues : Riche en nutriments Antioxydant Source de fibres et de vitamines Lutte contre le cholestérol Arôme Lorsqu’elles sont torréfiées, les graines de sésame libèrent un délicieux goût de noisette. Vertues reconnues Riches en fibres favorisent le transit intestinal favorise la diminution du cholestérol. Aide à lutter contre les maladies cardio-vasculaires Utilisation Alimentaire


Натурално бяло/черно сусамово семе, Олющено сусамово семе - Ние доставяме сусамови семена с най-добро качество Бял натурален сусам Натурален черен сусам Олющено сусамово семе


Verleihen Sie Ihren Gerichten eine unverwechselbare Note mit unserem Kreuzkümmel von Kitchen Yoga. Dieser hochwertige, aromatische Kreuzkümmel bringt authentische, erdige Geschmacksnuancen in Ihre Küche. Ideal für Currys, Eintöpfe und viele andere Gerichte, sorgt er für ein intensives Geschmackserlebnis. Besondere Merkmale: Authentisch und natürlich: Rein und ohne Zusatzstoffe. Vielseitig: Perfekt für indische, orientalische und mediterrane Küche. Erleben Sie die magische Würze des Orients in jedem Gericht mit Kitchen Yoga.
Szezámmagos keksz

Szezámmagos keksz

Package Quantity : 12 x 650g Artikel Nr: 68210 Grams: 650g


Koriander mag

Koriander mag

La semilla de cilantro tiene un sabor cálido y sutil con un ligero toque cítrico. Tiene un aroma aromático que es relajantemente cálido, a nuez, ligeramente afrutado y complejo.


İÇİNDEKİLER Kabak çekirdeği, içerdiği fosfor sayesinde kemik ve diş oluşumuna iyi gelir. Kabak çekirdeğindeki fosfor, kalp kası kasılması ve böbrek fonksiyonlarının düzenlenmesi için gereklidir. Kabak çekirdeğindeki B15 vitamini, kolesterolü düşürür ve protein üretimine yardımcı olur. Kabak çekirdeği, lif içeren ve kan şekeri seviyelerinin daha dengeli bir şekilde yükselmesine yardımcı olan ve kabızlığın ve belirli kanser türlerinin önlenmesine yardımcı olan bir besindir. Ayrıca, pulpa alımı arttıkça, koroner kalp hastalığı da azalır. Ek olarak, kabak çekirdeği dolgunluk hissi yarattığından, yiyecek alımını ve dolayısıyla kandaki kolesterol seviyesini düşürür. Kanserojen maddenin bağırsaklarda kalma süresini azalttıklarından ve bağırsak duvarları ile kanserojenler arasındaki teması azalttıklarından kansere karşı korumaya yardımcı olurlar.
Fekete napraforgómagok

Fekete napraforgómagok

Sunflower seeds contain mainly unsaturated fatty acids - linoleic (50 - 65%) and oleic (25 – 40%). Together with phytosterols, they lead to the lowering of levels of cholesterol. This makes sunflower seeds useful for cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. Moreover, they are rich in vitamins and minerals. The contained in them vitamin E is important antioxidant. Color:Light yellow Taste and odour:Pleasant
Szeletelt Mandula

Szeletelt Mandula

Aparência e Textura Cor branca/bege, formato de palito; Textura delicada e ligeiramente crocante. Utilização Ideal para barras de cereais e complementos proteicos, chocolates e pastelaria, saladas, coberturas de iogurte e aveia, cereais e granola.
Fehér Hajdina

Fehér Hajdina

Otrzymywana z obłuskanych naturalnych nasion gryki zwyczajnej kasza gryczana biała wyróżnia się delikatnym smakiem i bogactwem wartości odżywczych. Ziarno nie jest poddane odróbce termicznej. Wraz ze spożyciem produktu uzupełniamy dietę o drogocenne substancje prozdrowotne, w tym antyoksydanty, magnez, wapń, żelazo i krzem. Stanowiąca źródło błonnika kasza gryczana biała sprawdzi się jako sycący dodatek do obiadu, szczególnie do dań głównych jako substytut ryżu, ziemniaków lub makaronu.
Vaníliás granola

Vaníliás granola

Wij coaten granen en zaden, zoals zonnebloempitten, pompoenpitten, gepofte granen/zaden (rijst, tarwe, spelt, quinoa, gierst, sorghum), kikkererwten, meergranen, enz. Al onze gecoate granen en zaden zijn perfect als een ingrediënt in vele applicaties, zoals ijs, ontbijtgranen, chocolade, energierepen, noga, bakkerij producten, yoghurt/salade/groenten toppings, enz. Naast vanille kunt u ook kiezen voor een van onze andere basissmaken (honing, karamel, ahorn, kaneel en peperkoek), evt. gecombineerd met kruiden e/o specerijen, zoals: Keltisch zeezout, chili (rode peper), rozemarijn, knoflook, kokos, venkel of uw eigen favoriete kruiden/specerijen.


Benefici: si dice che la lavanda abbia molti effetti benefici. La lavanda è comunemente usata contro ansia, stress e insonnia. Viene anche usato contro la depressione, la demenza, il dolore dopo l'intervento chirurgico e molte altre condizioni. L'erba è molto apprezzata per i trattamenti di bellezza e per la pelle ed è comunemente usata in fragranze e shampoo per aiutare a purificare la pelle. Negli alimenti e nelle bevande, la lavanda viene utilizzata come componente aromatica.Usi: la lavanda è più comunemente usata nell'aromaterapia e nella decorazione e potrebbe anche essere usata per il tè e per cucinare. Confezione:250g e sfuso
Fehér szárított eperfa

Fehér szárított eperfa

In the box per 5,8,10 KG


Sesame seeds are a versatile ingredient available in a range of colors, including white, brown, black, red, and yellow. These seeds are de-corticated to remove the black skin before packaging, with darker seeds offering the most flavor. Sesame seeds have a nutty, fresh burst-in-the-mouth flavor, commonly used as a topping for bread and buns. They are also sprinkled over salads and stir-fries in Asian cuisine. Ground sesame is the main ingredient in Tahini, a staple paste in the Middle East, and is used in seed bars, chicken dishes, and rice dishes.
Szezámmag - Természetes fehér/fekete szezámmag, hántolt szezámmag

Szezámmag - Természetes fehér/fekete szezámmag, hántolt szezámmag

Wij leveren sesamzaadjes van de beste kwaliteit Witte natuurlijke sesamzaadjes Zwarte natuurlijke sesamzaadjes Gepeld Sesamzaad
kanári magok

kanári magok

sementes de alpiste
puha búza

puha búza

Soft white wheat exhibits high break and straight-grade flour yields, at low ash and low starch damage. Their flours have low water absorption and low water-, carbonate-, and sucrose-solvent retention capacities.
Granulált Hagyma

Granulált Hagyma

Les oignons granulés sont utilisés comme type d'assaisonnement. Les granulés aromatisés concentrés sont obtenus à partir d'oignons déshydratés. Cette substance est faite d'oignons déshydratés moulus, le plus souvent à partir des bulbes d'oignons. En raison de la déshydratation, le produit a une durée de conservation plus longue. On dit que les oignons séchés préviennent l'infestation bactérienne et aident à réduire le risque de diverses infections bactériennes et fongiques. Le granulé d'oignon est parfait pour affiner divers plats ainsi que des mélanges d'épices, des marinades, des vinaigrettes et des sauces. Les oignons granulés peuvent remplacer le goût traditionnel de l'oignon dans vos aliments et boissons. Ne pleure pas! Garanti. Conditionnement:250g, 500g et vrac
Eperfa levelek

Eperfa levelek

gli alberi di gelso producono bacche aromatiche apprezzate in tutto il mondo e spesso considerate supercibi a causa della concentrazione di vitamine, minerali e potenti composti vegetali. Tuttavia, il frutto non è l'unica parte dell'albero di gelso che si dice offra benefici per la salute. Per secoli, le sue foglie sono state utilizzate nella medicina tradizionale come trattamento naturale per una varietà di condizioni. Si dice che abbia effetti positivi sui livelli di zucchero nel sangue e di insulinaInoltre, si ritiene che riduca i rischi di aterosclerosi diminuendo l'ossidazione del colesterolo nei vasi sanguigni. Inoltre, si dice che aiuti a prevenire il diabete limitando l'ingresso in circolo dell'elevata quantità di monosaccaridi.Usi: le foglie di gelso sono utilizzate principalmente per il tè. Versa 1 cucchiaino per tazza (250 ml) di acqua bollente e copri per 3-5 minuti a seconda dei tuoi gusti. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso